
draw out是什么意思翻译_draw out的音标怎么读

draw out

读音:['drɔ ɑʊt]

抽出, 拉出, 拉长, 取出


How did you manage to draw out so much information about the affair?


Plenty of money often drew out the worst in people.


Do you have any tools to draw out the cork?


The now responsibilities drew out his latent talents.


1. 拔出

The dentist drew out the bad tooth from the patient's mouth.


2. 取出

He drew out all his money from the bank.


3. 变长

The days are drawing out as it's getting warmer.

随着天气转暖, 白天也变长了。

draw out

读音:['drɔ ɑʊt]

抽出, 拉出, 拉长, 取出


How did you manage to draw out so much information about the affair?


Plenty of money often drew out the worst in people.


Do you have any tools to draw out the cork?


The now responsibilities drew out his latent talents.


1. 拔出

The dentist drew out the bad tooth from the patient's mouth.


2. 取出

He drew out all his money from the bank.


3. 变长

The days are drawing out as it's getting warmer.

随着天气转暖, 白天也变长了。

draw out



lengthen  stretch  extract   draw outdraw out
1.翻译:掏出, 取出, 拔出He drew out his notebook and began to take notes.他掏出笔记本开始记笔记。I drew out my savings before the summer holidays began.暑假开始之前, 我取出存款。
2.翻译:拉长Draw out the wire until it is very thin.把这条金属线拉得很细才行。
3.翻译:拖延The politician drew out his speech to almost two hours.这位政治家拉拉杂杂讲了近两个小时。
4.翻译:(白昼)变长The days begin to draw out after the winter solstice.冬至以后, 白天渐渐变长。
5.翻译:(使)离开The train drew out of the station.火车缓缓开出车站。
6.翻译:提供大意The committee drew out a plan for the reorganization, without showing any details.委员会只提供了改组计划的大意, 没有细加说明。
7.翻译:诱发, 引出, 暴露(某事物)The teacher helped to draw out the meaning of the poem.老师帮学生解出了这首诗的含意。
8.翻译:鼓励She's very shy but he managed to draw her out.她很怕羞, 但他还是鼓励她开口说话。
9.翻译:通过谈话了解到I was able to draw his story out of him by patient questioning.经过耐心的询问, 我才了解到他的经历。
10.翻译:从银行提(款)I shall have to draw out some more money to pay all these people.我不得不再多取些钱给所有这些人发工资。

draw out
1.翻译:(使)变长;拉长(金属丝等);延长:The politician drew his speech out until everyone was bored.那名政客的讲话长得大家都厌烦了。
2.翻译:(白昼)渐长:The days begin to draw out noticeably.白天明显地开始变长了。
3.翻译:拉出,拔出,抽出;掏出;取出;拔掉,拔(牙);引出,使出来;提炼出:to draw a nail out of a piece of wood从一块木头上拔掉钉子to draw out a gun拔出手枪
4.翻译:(逗)引(某人)讲话(或回答);使说出(某事);诱使(某人)吐露真情:It was impossible to draw the truth out of her.想从她嘴里套出真相来是不可能的。We drew out the secret from him.我们使他说出了这个秘密。
5.翻译:提取(存款等):We drew our savings out before we bought the car.我们买小汽车之前取出了存款。
6.翻译:草拟,拟就,拟定(计划);描绘出:The director drew out a plan for the work.主任对这个工作拟定了一项计划。
7.翻译:说明;使理解;使显出;导致,引导:Plenty of money draws out the worst in people.钱多使人堕落。to draw out the meaning of the poem说明诗的意思
8.翻译:(火车等)出站,开出;(船等)驶离:The train drew out of the station.火车徐徐出站。
9.翻译:(车辆)穿过(来往的行人),横阻交通:The car drew out unexpectedly and almost caused an accident.这辆汽车意外地在来往的行人中穿过,差点出车祸。
10.翻译:【军事】派出,分遣;使列队;使离开:The troops were drawn out of the troubled area.部队撤出了这个骚乱的地区。

见:draw: draw out

draw out

动词 draw out:

cause to speak, "Can you draw her out--she is always so quiet"

lengthen in time; cause to be or last longer

同义词:prolong, protract, extend

make more sociable

deduce (a principle) or construe (a meaning)

同义词:educe, evoke, elicit, extract

remove as if by suction

同义词:aspirate, suck out

remove, usually with some force or effort; also used in an abstract sense

同义词:extract, pull out, pull, pull up, take out